To: Parent/Guardians of students in grades 6-8
From: Athletic Office
Subject: Athletic Participation at Public School District of Residence
As per Pennsylvania Charter School Law and the PIAA, should Propel Schools not sponsor an athletic
program in your child's school building, they are eligible to participate in that sport at the school which they
would otherwise attend, in the Pittsburgh Public Schools district, provided that the student meets all other
eligibility requirements, including, but not limited to, school verified evidence of full-time attendance.
Current programs sponsored in your child’s Propel Schools building are:
❏ Boys and Girls Volleyball
❏ Boys and Girls Basketball
Current programs sponsored in Pittsburgh Public Schools eligible for children in grades 6-8 to participate in:
❏ Flag Football
❏ Boys and Girls Soccer
❏ Cross Country
Should you have any additional questions regarding athletic programming at your child’s Propel Schools building,
please contact Bob Alpino at 412-462-4625 or
Should you have any additional questions regarding athletic programming at Pittsburgh Public Schools, please
contact the Pittsburgh City League athletic office at 412-529-2222.
Thank you!
Robert Alpino
Robert Alpino
Athletic Director
Propel Schools
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